Christmas in Oregon

Winter Wonderland Oregon 1 : Wanoga | Hillside Snow Park

First post in 2015! woohoo! This is our last trip in 2014, a 10 days vacation visiting Oregon and Seattle. We met Jennifer and her 4 pups the first time early this year around February for a weekend long snowy play playdate. Two families instantly became great friends, so we planned out another winter trip in December, isn’t this wonderful?

This was how TT went through that 14 hours of driving, lucky boy. We rented a gigantic van so we could throw in two 27” suitcases, 5 crazy dogs and still have some decent spaces for humans.

We did a lot of homeworks while planning for this long road trip. I listed all the helpful websites below for people to check out if you ever want to bring your pup to Oregon.

It took us two days to drive up to Oregon from LA, we planned to have 4 days doing snow related activities so Bend easily became the first choice of a city we stayed in.
We headed to Wanoga sno park for our first adventure, it’s a wonderful dog friendly park.

Wanoga Sno-Park

We rented snow shoes without knowing the snow wasn’t deep that day and put ourselves into an awkward situation. It’s a lot easier to just walk on foot.

A friend of mine from Alaska said he will only use those shoes when the snow is higher than his chest.

Jennifer gave Tiru boots to wear that totally helped her to walk better and stayed with us longer in the snow.

TT in another hand was like he’s born to be in the snow.

It was a shame TT chewed off his last pair of harnesses before we even started the day. I’ve no idea how TT can reach it, or maybe I should feel proud of him and myself, because TT’s range of motions and flexibility recovered (from the previous injury) way better than I thought?
The park wasn’t big, but we only met a few people there, Tissue got run over by a big dog once.

We never know Tinkerbell isn’t built for cold weather before this trip, she shivered so much even having a tiny jacket on.

When you throw a white squeaky ball into the snow, Tissue had a hard time to locate it, but it seemed like a piece of cake for Tinkerbell.

You have to use your nose Tissue!

TT laid in the snow like nothing is bothering him, don’t you feel cold? because…


TT is also a shave ice lover, I bet he feels just like home in winter snow.

Tiffy enjoyed the cold as much as TT did that day.

I rarely see her this happy, but TT always ruined the moment…

Can’t you just leave her alone!? 🤦‍♀️

Fox and a freezing hound.

It was always so easy to take a good photo of Tissue, because her movement is predictable. Not like energetic puppies such as TT and Tinkerbell.

Finally the sun came out behind the clouds, at that moment we didn’t know this will be the last sun shine we will see in Oregon, the rest of the trip was all gloomy.

I rented a 5D Mark III for this trip, all the photos you see in this trip were taken with both 5D and my old 550 with 135mm prime and my new 16-35mm wide angle lens.

We left the park before sunset, we really didn’t have much time in the park before the sun disappeared around 4:30pm.

Hillside Park

Finally our last stop of the day was at Hillside Park in downtown Bend. I was so impressed by the off leash area here. It’s unfenced, huge, fun, and so beautiful compared to most of the dog parks in LA. Dog parks in LA are either like deserts or a sports ground in jail.

Somehow TT learned how to catch a flying treat in the air that evening. Having siblings and close doggy friends to grow up with is a plus, younger pups pick up new tricks from others very rapidly.
There have been some irritations around TT’s mouth recently. I am not quite sure about the cause yet, TT doesn’t really scratch the area around his mouth. I decided to cut off all of his supplements and switched from offering him fish oil back to flexed oil.

Look mommy! I catched the last piece of orange sunset on my belly! woof!

I hope we could stay in Bend, this is such a dog friendly city indeed.

Let’s go home and have some food shall we?

We were well prepared with homemade raw dried food for all of them. The powder somehow smells way too good, 100 times better than raw/cooked meal, pups all went crazy for it.

This dried food method was perfect for a long road trip, consider how easy it is for us to store and serve.

Although it might look gross to human eyes but TT LOVED it. Him being a finicky prince ate all his food that day without any hesitations 🙂

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