Christmas in Oregon

Winter Wonderland Oregon 2 : 10 Mile | Edison Butte Snow Park

We planned 2 days of snow park activities for pups just to tire them off so we can go ski the third day.
On the second day it started to snow a little, it’s so beautiful! The scenery given me this Christmas card worthy picture.

Ten Mile Sno-Park

We visited 10 Mile Snow Park in the morning, Jennifer switched 2 girls’ clothes just to show off they have more outfits. What I know about dogs is that they dissipate heat from their feet and tongue, I don’t know how clothes work to keep them warm/cool but better than nothing right?

We visited 10 Mile Snow Park in the morning, Jennifer switched 2 girls’ clothes just to show off they have more outfits. What I know about dogs is that they dissipate heat from their feet and tongue, I don’t know how clothes work to keep them warm/cool but better than nothing right?

And sir… you are not supposed to jump like that… you are still recovering from the injury.🤦‍♀️

Although I am still trying very hard to limit TT from jumping, we all know it’s nearly impossible to ask a puppy to stay put.

HEY! I thought I told you not to! Oh well… this is the last time, you really need to protect your joints TT.

We went down a route away from the main one just to avoid snowmobiles.

We only ran into one person in the entire mountain. We got lost after 2 hours of exploring. I thought getting lost was the best part of this trip. Without knowing where to go, just focusing on the moment right here, right now.

TT often went ahead to make sure everything was clear just like a tiny scout.

Sometimes TT went too far away to check what’s in front of us, so far away that we couldn’t see him anymore. Luckily he is very good at reacting to recalls.



TT also ate more snow that day.

“Kids, go line up based on your heights!”

“But mom, I thought I am the tallest?! This is wrong!”

“See! I can jump over a Beagle easily, I must be taller right?”

Jennifer puts boots on Tiru once again, shoes enabled Tiru to be able to walk longer like a charm. Those boots almost worked like it gave her a soul, Tiru started to run happily after her paws didn’t feel the cold anymore. Tinkerbell couldn’t handle the cold either, so we decided to put her in Jennifer’s hoodie. But that didn’t go well… Tinkerbell almost faceplanted falling out.

“Don’t stare at me like that…”



“… Allright, allright… here are your treats, I surrender.”

2pm was around the time we started to hike back out. We walked along the border of the park by following blue tags on the trees.

TT seems like he knew directions perfectly back, he chose the right path everytime when we were still trying to find the tag on trees.

We saw people after entering the parking lot. There was a man who told us about a waterfall we missed called Paulina Falls. He said It’s currently frozen and beautiful. Sadly it’s about an hour walk from the parking lot, and we just got down from the forest. We received a map from him and truly hope we could come back the next day to visit it. (But we didn’t… this will be on our list next time in Oregon).

Edison Butte Sno-Park

Nextly, we drove to Edison Butte Snow Park, the sky was getting dimmer already.

We didn’t actually go into the park because we don’t want to be trapped in the dark after sunset. Also lava terrain could damage dog paws without sufficient snow covering it. I took TT out to enjoy a little snow shower and called it for a day. TT really needs to practice his seat, he wasn’t sitting straight in this picture again.

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